Saturday, December 24, 2016

apocalypse radio - five hundred and fifth audio magazine/podcast

from the fluted plains of America, we wish you a merry (insert holiday here)!  ok, now that we've got that out of the way.  long show this week.  90+ or so.  we discuss it all - rogue one, comics, television and the fact that january starts out 13th year of doing this.  whew!  that's a lot of audio.  ok, this may.  or may not.  be the last show of 2016.  we'll see.  we may find time for one more.  go grab it - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - happy new year, too!


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