Sunday, August 30, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and forty fourth audio magazine/podcast

while the world continues to burn so brightly in what we call Dumpster Fire Earth 2020, our webisodes continue on down the line!  we're back with a bunch of various tv and movie news, a new box office WOOT! and more.  so hunker down with us in these trying times and enjoy the show!  you know what you're supposed to do - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Sunday, August 23, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and forty third audio magazine/podcast

dc fandome is now oooooooover.  and we've got a lot of the scoop from the event on the show today!  new trailers, new upcoming movie info, new cancellations from tv networks and oh so much more.  so pile on and join along our hayride from hell.  you know the deal - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Sunday, August 16, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and forty second audio magazine/podcast

the hurricane is over, covid is still here, the theaters are still closed and life slowly goes on.  and it's another sunday so we're back in your ears for another week!  we discuss tv, movies and the new wyze cameras this week!  as much as we discuss the wyze products, you'd think we were getting a commission.  sadly, no.  but i recommend them anyway.  amazon carries them so if you're looking for a seriously low priced way to keep track of your home while out, this is the way to go.  i've put three in the house so far and plan on at least two more.  check them out.  otherwise, it's ready to go so grab it fast!  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Monday, August 10, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and forty first audio magazine/podcast

and welcome back to another week of the pandemic!  do we talk about it this week?  not much at all for such an all encompassing disaster.  we figure the news is filled with enough discussion that we can concentrate on weightier things like.... movies, a non-existent box office, tv and more!  we're just trying to get you thru an hour of your day when you'd normally dwell on things you probably shouldn't.  music recommendation this week?  russian band Little Big!  go youtube them.  their videos are an absolute riot!  the music is awesome, too.  love these guys.  so go look them up.  meanwhile, the new one is ready to go and you know the spiel by now - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Sunday, August 02, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and fortieth audio magazine/podcast

YAY!  new show!  what?  you thought we'd let COVID stop us?  oh HELL no.  we keep on truckin.  that's who we are, baby.  so the new one is ready to go so the ball is in your court now - go grab it.  you now the routine.  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .