Tuesday, December 31, 2024

apocalypse radio - eight hundred and fourth audio magazine/podcast

 HAPPY MOTHER FIFI NEW YEAR!  as i write this, we're about 5 hours or so away from midnight here in the eastern us time zone.  thanks for being here this year, if you are one of the regulars and welcome to the fun if you're new to the show!  it's relaxed here.  come on in.  meanwhile, the new one is up and on - you can find us at Spotify, PodBean, iTunes and Amazon  (just say 'alexa, play the latest apocalypse radio')!  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at shaman@apocalypseradio.com and charlie@apocalypseradio.com .

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

apocalypse radio - eight hundred and third audio magazine/podcast

 holy schnikes!  i've never been THIS late posting!  i got so busy (sleeping for 13 hours a day) and totally zoned on posting the new show.  son of a BITCH!  so now it's up and ready for you.  we don't do much "GOTTA HEAR IT NOW BEFORE IT'S OUTDATED" kinda stuff so you're good.  just box office.  go grab it and sorry i got it up late, peoples.  you can find us at Spotify, PodBean, iTunes and Amazon  (just say 'alexa, play the latest apocalypse radio')!  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at shaman@apocalypseradio.com and charlie@apocalypseradio.com .