Sunday, November 22, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and fifty sixth audio magazine/podcast

 IT'S WEEK 51, KIDS!  the perfect addition to a 15 year old podcast.  52 weeks with no breaks.  yea, yea, yea, i know i keep crowing about it but it's momentous for us.  trust me.  meanwhile, the u.s. box office is mostly dead.  at least, it might as well be.  last year this weekend, frozen II scored 130 million.  this week, the number one movie at the box office scored 2 million.  i'll say it again, 2 million.  thanks, covid.  thanks, obama.  thanks, trump.  thanks, rudy guiliani.  ratshit bastard piece of shit that rudy is.  greasy motherfucker.  but i digress.  new one is up and on so run, do not walk, to your nearest podcast provider.  don't forget, you can find us on spotify now and we're working on getting back on amazon music.  STILL don't know what those people pulled us off.  bastards.  so yea, get the new one.  you know the routine - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Sunday, November 15, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and fifty fifth audio magazine/podcast

 yep.  we're back.  week 50 in a row.  15 years on the air and we've never made it a full year with no breaks but we're almost there, kids!  meanwhile, full show of info today.  entertainment news, i just got some test results back and as always, a short update on my progress in animal crossing.  don't worry - we don't spend much time on AC and most of it is charlie making fun of me and my beautiful island.  bastard.  he's cruel, people.  just mean.  so grab it before we all succumb to covid because you KNOW it's going to happen eventually.  the end of the human race.  it's either that or zombies.  50/50 chance either way.  you know the routine - just a reminder that we're now on Spotify - just do a search for 'apocalypse radio' and you'll find us there.  so you know the deal - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and fifty fourth audio magazine/podcast

 up a couple of days late but going up nonetheless!  yes, its a NEW SHOW as our record of continuous shows rolls on!  for those of you new to the scene, we've been doing this for 15 years now but with this and that interfering occasionally, we've never made it a full 52 weeks in a row without breaks and we're trying to break that streak!  of course, once we set the record, we'll probably take a week off BWAHAHAHAHA!  no, really, we probably will.  but in the meantime, here's the show for the 49th week in a row for your audio enjoyment.  just a reminder that we're now on Spotify - just do a search for 'apocalypse radio' and you'll find us there.  so you know the deal - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Sunday, November 01, 2020

apocalypse radio - six hundred and fifty third audio magazine/podcast

 as we continue still keepin' on keepin' on, another week has gone by and the election is RIGHT around the corner.  even though most people i know have voted in the mail or in person thru early voting.  no matter what happens, it's going to be an interesting period in time that won't be quickly forgotten, no matter who wins.  the world is watching.   and biting their nails.  meanwhile, we keep on with the minor trivialities in life like HOW INCREDIBLE WAS MANDALORIAN THIS WEEK!!!!  wow.  that show just keeps getting better and better.  ok, enough of my rambling.  the new one is up and on so grab it before the world implodes!!!  you know the routine, poutine - use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .