Wednesday, February 19, 2025

apocalypse radio - eight hundred and eighth audio magazine/podcast

 no time for puns and quips!  captain america is in theaters and i gotta run!  <pauses for effect>  ahh, you know better.  charlie will go though.  i actually already saw it.  good movie.  good falcon movie.  not a great captain america.  i'm just not into sam as cap.  has nothing to do with race.  has everything to do with charisma.  i just don't that character has it.  but that's just me and your mileage may vary.  meanwhile, new one is a little late getting posted but here nonetheless.  you know the routine.  you can find us at Spotify, PodBean, iTunes and Amazon  (just say 'alexa, play the latest apocalypse radio')!  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

apocalypse radio - eight hundred and seventh audio magazine/podcast

 as february begins, we're also a month into our 21st year of webcasting!  yay to us!  january 8th, 2005 is the date it all began, if i remember right.  what does all this mean?  NOTHING!  just chatting.  we're here and we're here to stay.  at least till we're not.  could be a year, could be another 20 years if i keep outliving my doctors predictions.  you know the story, morning glory - you can find us at Spotify, PodBean, iTunes and Amazon  (just say 'alexa, play the latest apocalypse radio')!  use the rss feed link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there, do a "save target as" and save the mp3 on your hard drive. and until next time - if you'd like to donate, donate here. otherwise, you can reach us at and .