webisode eight.
realization: while i really dislike podcasts that try to sound TOO much like terrestrial radio with lots of planned bits and songs, etc, i find that i even MORE dislike podcasts with bad sound or badly produced audio. it's not THAT hard to get a couple of decent headsets and eq' the end results to come up with an acceptable audio end product. examples of good sound production? check out whole wheat radio or pull with both hands.... just because it's freeform and shit doesn't mean the sound quality is unimportant. if anything, the freeform format should demand a higher audio standard by its very nature. it's something you want to show off to the rest of the world or at the least, use to demonstrate your expertise in something... be it talking sports, talking movies or just talking... because that's why most people do podcasts when you get right down to it... because they think they can be better djs/talk hosts than the people who really do it on the radio. and the funny part is, on the whole, they're right. i'll take an episode of dawn & drew or a whole wheat radio rant anyday over the howard stern show or bob & tom. i'd love to see jim and esther do a 6 hour shift on a real terrestrial radio station while playing the music THEY want to play... but i'm rambling again. just needed to get that off my chest.
TA-DAAAAA!!!! webisode seven. moving. deeply philosophical. and sweetly touching. unfortunately we can't qualify for a grammy. we're doing this in that damned period between when the awards are given and new material is considered. curse you, grammy committee. but nonetheless, it's finished. it's up. and it's downloadable. the usual instructions - use the rss feed... grab the link on the left... or CLICK HERE, O FAITHFUL LISTENER!! or right click back there and do a "save target as" and dump the mp3 on your hard drive.... peace out.
hello all... looks like a new show should be up tonight. that is if we don't have any technical problems, or it just plain sucks... i'm on vacation this week, and will probably have more time to post what's going on in my world, so keep cheking back.
time now for the long awaited... the much anticipated.... the overly long.... WEBISODE SIX!!!! so... get it... enjoy it... have a smoke... it's a laid back show tonight... we're in low gear... so lay back with a cup o' joe and a camel and relax (charlie suggests marlboro)... and as usual, you can get the rss feed, you can snag on the link on the left hand bar or you can do the usual right click/save target as for the mp3 file on THIS LINK CLICK ME CLICK ME for the latest edition.... enjoy, we did.
ok, so watch for the new show later tonight. and NO winner of the iron maiden mirror.... awwwww we know you people are out there listening, we just wanna get some feedback and input from you. so e-mail us!!! and . also, if you like us (or not) place your vote over at podcast alley.
heads up! the plan is to do another exciting webisope on thursday... now that's assuming everything falls into place... which i'm sure it will... but you never can tell..... sorry... i just like to cover my bets. so yea. tomm night. we'll see ya then. ONE of these days we need to start broadcasting this thing live on livecast or something when we do the actual show......note to self: look into that.
ok, so valentines day has come and gone... now our special guest blogger tonight, my fiance terri... say something honey...
i know.. i suck. sorry to anyone who's already downloaded the latest podcast.. i always forget to properly do the show mp3 tags until the morning after... usually has something to do with the fact that i'm dead tired by the time i finish editing and posting... so i've reuploaded last night's show, now as a PROPERLY tagged mp3 file. which means it now shows up in media player and ipods alike with the proper show and host names..... yea. i'll try to remember next time..... sure i will.......
and the long awaited, much anticipated webisode number FIVE!!! we're still going strong and still not bored with doing this..... but you bitches had best get on the email ball!! send us some... emails, that is.... click on the pics on the left for the direct email linkage..... ok, where was i... webisode five is up now... either use the link on the left bar, snark on the rss feed OR you can CLICK THIS LINK IN ALL OF THE SCREAMIN CAPITAL LETTERS!! it'll work too. enjoy, we did. and don't forget - CONTEST THIS WEBISODE!!! write us with what you like or dislike about the show! (we stole that idea from pullwithbothhands the podcast) the prize? listen for the prize. OOH!! forced listening! and they say i learned nothing in radio. alright, go download.
well, unlike the shaman i will not be gettin' all political up in this bitch today. i'll just let you know that a new show should be up later tonight providing the shaman isn't too sick. also BIG PRIZE on the show. unless you visited the state fair a lot in the 80's you probably don't have one of these....
ya know what REALLY sucks about growing old? nose hairs. nose hairs bite ass. new show friday night... unless there's a major world event... and since we now know that north korea already HAVE nukes, you never know WHAT might happen...... i'm sure george sees nothing wrong with splitting our already taxed forces between three countries... (remember.. we're still in afghanistan too.) i'm sorry.. was i being political? hehehe... couldn't resist. be there! or be... be.... uh... probably someplace more useful and entertaining... FINE! SEE IF WE CARE!!!
good morning world! so how did you sleep last night? me, not so good. had funky dreams about pirate ghosts. i wonder what that's all about. so in the spirit of my dream, here is a little quote from pirates of the caribbean.
another ep of lost tonight, and we still know nothing more about the island. you would think that with claire coming back, and the re-appearance of ethan, jj might have just given us a little nugget of what is going on. oh well. i just want the back story on hurly damn it!!!
hey everybody. so what did you think of the last show? OMG i think i'm still hung over. for those of you expecting a new show tonight, sorry but it ain't gonna happen. it's terri's birthday, and i will be with her all evening. tomorrow night is lost and alias, so no show then. mabey thursday night you'll find the next one.
god i feel like shit. note to self.... no more beer nights. ugh. just finished redoing the mp3 tags on all the shows so now when you play them, it should reflect the title and show date in most media players. not very important but one of those things that just bugs me so it's fixed now. and now i'm either going back to bed or going to go find a couch. urgh.
okay, the newest edition of apocalypse radio is up... and i've got nothing witty to say because i'm basically blasted.. i can't tell you how many times i've rechecked this for spelling errors.... but yea.. CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST PODCAST.... and enjoy. god knows we did....
we are doing another show for the weekend right now... should be up soon... loooooooooong show, and we're both pretty drunk...
wow, been a busy week so far. not much to tell. just trying to by a house. now it's off to do a little radio show.
WOW!!! adam curry played our short promo on his podcast today!!! he liked our slogan "the corner of beer and bongs".
BING! new podcast is up and on, my children. chock full of raisins, honey and goodness! so don't grab one, grab five! or better yet, get the rss feed for your ipod, if'n ya got one... if not, just yank down the mp3 and grab a six pack.... because as we all know, everything sounds better when yer drunk.....